Nov 1, 1993TATTOO MAGAZINE 1993A number of Ken Cameron's work were included in the November 1993 issue of Tattoo Magazine.
Sep 2, 19931993 INKSLINGER'S BALLKen Cameron at the 1993 Inkslinger's Ball Tattoo Convention in Los Angeles, California.
Aug 1, 1993TATTOO REVUE ISSUE #11: COLORIZING SACRAMENTOTom Gunn wrote a feature article in Tattoo Revue on Ken Camron after his tattoo work on Geoff Lardner took First Place: Best Tattooed Male
May 1, 1993KEN CAMERON: WINNER NATIONAL TATTOO ASSOCIATION CONVENTION 1993At the 1993 National Tattoo Association Convention, Geoff Lardner took First Place in the Best Tattoo Male Contest.
May 1, 1993INTERNATIONAL TATTOO ART MAGAZINE 1993Tattoos By Lou in Miami owner Ken Cameron featured in International Tattoo Art magazine.
Sep 2, 19921992 SACRAMENTO SKIN ART CONVENTIONWrite up in a tattoo magazine about the 1992 Sacramento Skin Art convention where Ken Cameron took home four awards.